Giles Greenwood shares a tip on how to avoid torn calluses when snatch gripping.
Keep a straight wrist from the beginning (see photo in his post) to minimize movement of the bar in your hands.
Although this initially feels like you’re not gripping the bar as strongly it is, in fact, how your grip is going to end up once you start lifting the bar anyway.
The choice is between starting with this grip or your hands moving (this is what rips your skin) to this position under the weight of the bar during a lift.
I have always been gripping the bar like this. Another tip which greatly helped me with my grip in the snatch (ergonomicly and performance wise): slightly narrower grip. People tend to grip the bar a tad to wide (less way to overhead) but ignore wrist flexibility in this. If theres a lot of radial flexion going on in your wrist when you grip the bar it’s probably too wide and causes a lot of movement of the bar in your hand during the lifts.
The only problem when going to grip the bar in a more narrow grip in the snatch is you risk not being able to get the bar in the best possible position in your hip when going through the 2nd pull. I have experimented with more narrow and wider grips and the ability to get the bar in the best position far outweighs the small speed bump that is a little wrist difficulty for a bit. it goes away.