California Strength owner and coach, David Spitz, goes through coaching points and lower body stretches for a Full Depth Squat (ATG).
And for good measure Max Aita shows how it is done with 300 kg (660 pounds).
Positions: for high bar back squat
- vertical posture throughout the movement
- hips like a bucket of water, no tilting forward , keep it leveled
- feet outside shoulder width
- weight on heels
- grip as close as comfortable to create a shelf for the bar
- head straight, eyes forward, no hyperextensions in the pine
- emphasize pulling the chest up
- controlled down
- up from the bottom with speed
- use the stretch reflex in the bottom
Problems and Fixes:
- check out Hip and Ankle Stretches for Olympic Weightlifting
- use small plates to raise your heels if you lack ankle flexibility