Here is a neat tip if your überhuman leg drive gives you trouble staying in your proper bench press position.
Use piece of shelf liner rubber mesh.
The tip comes from Vincent Dizenzo:
If you are having trouble sliding on the bench, head to your local Sears and buy the rubber mesh that goes in the bottom of a tool drawers. Just keep a piece in your gym bag on throw it on the bench where your upper back and head go. I always use it now, you’ll never slide with that stuff on the bench.
(via Syncharmony)
Update: John Phung also approves.
Update: Reader Jonas adds:
I use my mobility Rubber Band around the bench. Works perfectly.
Here is the rubber band version.
good tip. how often you benching gregor? i incline bench maybe twice a week on days where I dont jerk
My schedule is Press, Deadlift, rest or Squat, Bench, Squat, rest – repeat.
i hurt my back power jerking a new PR yesterday. i train every other day tho and change weekly. like one week is cleans only, one week is snatch only, and one week is jerk only but squatting basically every workout