Check out StrengthCalc.
It is one of these online Powerlifting / Diet routine calculator thingies.
Probably helpful when you want to get a quick routine overview with your numbers plugged in.
It is still new so expect bugs.
Update: mobile version available at and lots of bug fixes.
Update 8.6.2013: Android App is available for download.
Update 24.07.2013: More Programs Added
- Starting Strength 5×5
- StrongLifts 5×5
- Grey Skull Linear Progression GSLP
- Madcow 5×5
- 531 (for 531 I like or a spreadsheet better though)
- Coan Phillipi
- Hepburn Method
- Magnusson Ortmeyer
- Madcow 5×5
- GZCL Intro Plus
- Smolov
- Smolov Jr.
- Texas Method
- Sheiko #29, #30, #32, #37
- As well as diet generators (IIFYM & Lean Gains)
great idea, hope they work out the bugs
Nice! Thanks, Gregor.
They know the SS novice program for squats and everything but deadlift is only 3×5, right? That’s a pretty big bug.