After Lu’s and Tian’s Training Sessions, here is the 25 minute Team Video.
Featuring: Lu Xiaojun, Tian Tao, Shi Zhiyong, Long Qingquan, Chen Lijun, Su Ying, Deng Mengrong, Deng Wei
- Lots of snatches, Squat Jerks, Heavy Pulls
- Muscle Snatches from Deng Wei
- Rubber Band Resisted Leg Extensions & Holds
- Rubber Band Hamstring Curls
- and yes, Bicep curls – Chen Lijun’s secret for World Records
Good stuff.
What camera are you using to get that 1080p50?
European version of the fz1000
It and you do a great job on these videos.
Not trying to troll, would you have filmed different people if you somehow knew the bombs in advance?
Probably not, for two reasons.
1. they are still great athletes and their training is interesting to me (they actually go heavy in training unlike other teams or lifters).
2. I filmed those that I could get an angle on. With so many platforms (and people lifting at the same time), chalk bins, squat stands and people in the way you’re only able to capture so much.
I know you probably would have liked more footage from the Chinese women. But they either trained when I wasn’t there or they were on the platforms furthest away. So this is the best I could do.
You forgot to add bicep curls to the list of exercises. Haha
a short segment in the warmup area on wlft84’s channel
you can see Gregor at 44 sec :O