Here is a fantastic Texas Method Excel Spreadsheet. (via)
Download it on Google Docs (File + “Make a Copy” or “Download as”)
- Instructions come with it
- Enter your stats and chose your increments
- Even gives you charts of your progress
Update: Here is another TM Spreadsheet (via)
Update: Version 2.3
after about 4 weeks my bench quota goes down?
Filled it out, according to the results I get stuck at the same medium deadlifts throughout the whole thing. Chose Slow-roll, 10lb progression, and 5lb increments.
Yes this seems to be an error in the current version.
Is there a version that has the deadlift issue fixed?
from a comment
The rep scheme stays the same, but the weight does increase. The spreadsheet updates the next workout’s deadlift value only as long as you get 5 reps on Medium day. Once you put a 5 in that box, the next workout medium day will increase the weight by 5 lbs.
Should I be updating the max numbers on the Questions tab as they change? Or when I start the program, do I just leave that tab alone?
I dont really understand this spreadsheet. It doesnt actually calculate the actual increments? I have placed 10lb increments for squat and deadlifts, but even when i enter 5 on the reps hit, it only increases the next workout by 5 lbs. Is the last set an AMRAP set? why is this field even a thing?
Is there something wrong with the bench calculations for cycle 1b/c?
Is there a version that makes sense?
Is there a version that makes sense?