(Originally posted April 23rd 2013)
Check out TheSquatRack.com – an online workout tracker.
Still very much in beta it already sports the basic functions. See this post on reddit where the developer explains them.
If this is still too fancy for you purists, use my favorite tracking method, the totally anti social, always accessible google spreadsheet 🙂
Update 26.08.2013: The Squat Rack updated and added a bunch of new features. See this thread on reddit
Invite Code: f0n5pxsbff
- See your PRs for each exercise quickly and clearly
- Very basic workout metrics
- PRs are marked both with a flag icon and in the export
- All program calculators pre-load your PRs for you and generate the program on page load
- PRs also on the profile card
Program Calculators
- Starting Strength
- Texas Method
- 531
- GZCL Method
- Magnusson/Ortmayer
- Sheiko
- Coan Phillipi
- Smolov
- Smolov JR
And below you see the different charts it automatically generates for you.
Among them a chart showing predictions of 1RM Calculators vs actual numbers.
Is this available to edit on ipad/iphone?
Is this available to edit on ipad/iphone?