Thanks Tian Tao for giving us all heart attacks last night!
He started out missing his first two snatches at 173 and 178, only to make his 3rd attempt at 178.
Same in the clean & jerks. Missed his first two attempts at 210. Then posted 217kg for all or nothing.
His 217 is the new Olympic Record, beating Dimas’ 215kg.
178kg Snatch Video
217kg Clean & Jerk Video
More: Tian Clean & Jerking 220kg
I am starting to think his antics are deliberate, to confuse the competition.
If that last snatch save was meant to look like that for drama, then he is the God of weightlifting; doesn’t even care about mortal things like Olympic medals. Just wanted to play and left the gold to someone who wanted it. LOL
I can’t wrap my head around what he’s thinking. If he was strong enough to power jerk 217, why did he try to go to full squat on 210 twice? He should just power jerk everything; looks like he was strong enough for 4kg more.
Could it actually be true that he can’t get excited enough to make a lift unless it’s a winning lift? If so, YuJie should open him on 221 (or lower if he could definitely win with lower) next time and see what happens. If he screws it, then use the second attempt for resting time and try again on third attempt. Can’t be worse than seeing him fail 210-211 five times in a row between Houston and Rio…
yeah, I did see a translated interview where Tian Tao said something roughly along the lines of he can’t get excited for weights below 215 kg in the C & J
I think I did the translation on that interview LOL
I think I did the translation on that interview LOL
I really hope he switches back to pre-2012 Tian and power jerks everything, with the occasional squat jerk to save a power jerk, a la Bedzhanyan.
Well he did it during the 2014 Asian Games. Beat Rostami by 1 kilo with a 218 CnJ for a junior world record. He also missed his previous attempt at 211. Its basically habit by now lol. Idk why he just didnt do that during 2015 worlds, although I heard he tweaked something.
But in contrast he dominated Chinese Nationals, although he was following himself, he still made 3/3 of his CnJs. So idk, maybe when he’s in grove one of these competitions it’ll be a scary sight to see.
I’m sure he was also nervous before taking his first attempt for both lifts. You can see his demeanor before he lifts. lol!
Nervous, of course! All the more reason to power jerk. You only go full squat if it’s too heavy to power! Nervousness can have a strong negative impact on your skill but not your strength. I don’t understand his choice at all.
You know, perhaps it’s simply a time of crisis. lol!!
He has too many of those, clearly.
He has too many of those, clearly.
You know, perhaps it’s simply a time of crisis. lol!!
Didn’t he used to power jerk before going into full squat jerks? I saw a video of him at age 17 doing a 205 power jerk. He also basically power jerked that 217 lol but nonetheless He’s a beast.