Meanwhile in China …
Tian Tao (85kg) Clean & Jerks 220kg (2 blue + 2 yellow + 3 greens)
More Tian Tao:
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in China …
Tian Tao (85kg) Clean & Jerks 220kg (2 blue + 2 yellow + 3 greens)
More Tian Tao:
(Video also on Facebook and Instagram @atginsta)
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How is he in such top shape already; did he even take a break after AG and Worlds??
The national team is in the winter training camp since early January (until March IIRC). But yeah, this shows that he’s not injured and has quite a reserve of power/strength.
Wait, are Lu Xiaojun and Liao Hui running around giving seminars when they should be in winter training camp??
Lu/Liao were in the US only for a few days in December, no?
Anyways, I got the dates from here:
A seminar is running now in Houston. Are they not there? Would people pay the hundreds of dollars that the entrance fees cost to go to a seminar when they’re not there?
I find no indication that they’re intended to be there. L+L were in the US only for a week or so.
I assume China still has control over their athletes, not like a certain Eurasian country (cough Aukhadov).
OK, cool, cus I thought they had lost their flippin’ minds if they put off training to do seminars, especially with Lu nearly bombing his last competition on the clean and jerk.
Haha, liveblogging Tian Tao, this was uploaded by him just a few hours ago. 😀
Fully expect something like 175+220 at Nationals to send a message.
Uploaded by Tian tao himself? Where?
His weibo
Goddamn that is one powerful dude. The record he just (unofficially) broke is almost as old as he is.
did Tian Tao have a slight injury during Worlds because once he went slightly below parallel he would miss the lift ?? but in this video, he looks fantastic.
I don’t know if you could use that to point to an injury; looks like a small balancing error to me. Missing a WR by a hair at the bottom of the jerk after cleaning it easily doesn’t scream something’s terribly wrong with his health to me. His 220 jerk here looked shakier than his 218 in Incheon and in this video, his jumps seem more deliberate than either his 218 or 219. Might be a development on his technique; he could have gotten stronger and more explosive.
Seriously though, he’d better get the C&J WR soon. I can’t take much more of his teasing.
Yes, I’d like that too. We’ll see what he can do at the next international competition.
Here is the record all 85 kg should aim for:
Asen Zlatev 225 kg clean & jerk @ 82.5
Or watch Vadanian in 1980 Olympic, start at 6:00 min
Nope. Those lifters should try to repeat those lifts while undergoing current drug testing. Since that’s not possible Russia/Bulgaria should replicate the results today. Oh wait, they’re not capable of that either.
Those records were discarded/frozen for a reason and have no relevance as a contemporary threshold.
So they shouldn’t try to lift 225? What, should elieko bring out infinitesimally decreasing decimal plates so we can forever approach 225 but never hit it?
What? Sure, they should try to lift 225, hell, they can try to lift 250. I’ll try to lift 225 too, course, I should first hit 125… Point is, GHM suggested that these guys today are amateurs compared to the old greats and wlift84 said that it’s not a valid comparison and not valid to discredit today’s lifters based on what the old Soviets did because today’s drug testing environment is different.
I see cheers! Didn’t read that into GHM’s post, I thought he was just putting the vids up to motivate the 85s!
For all we know Zlatev might top out at 170/210 with today’s drug testing.
If he split jerked, he’d already be WR holder. Can’t understand why you’d squat jerk. Power jerk I understand–squat jerk makes no sense.
In an interview, he said that for some reason, his weird jerk was the best for him. All his coaches tried to get him to split jerk, but he lost 20kg for it and at that time, his max was only like 160. Squat jerk makes no sense to me either, but I’m sure these World/Olympic champions know what they’re doing and I wouldn’t tell them to do something as if they and their coaches haven’t explored every inch of that possibility already before deciding on doing what they do.
I used to think that too, because the time under tension is ridiculous and it seems like they have an extremely low margin for error/are all extremely laborious lifts. But I’ve got to think that he’s jerking this way because he lifts the most this way… end of story. If he could split jerk the same weights I have no doubt he would.
my thinking was you already had to front squat the weight up. …. why would you want to squat it again … haha
Squat jerkers do the squat jerk, as a last resort. They do not have the leg drive to send the bar high enough to catch it with a split, hence the drop into a deep overhead squat. It’s not ideal by any means, but it is the least worst.
There is a trade off between squat jerk and split jerk. Ideally speaking, if you can balance your body perfectly, squat jerk is more natural to jerk and can achieve heavier weight. Just like decades ago, people were still using split snatch, but now, split snatch is gone.