Here are some Squats by 20 year old Tian Tao (85kg) from the 2014 Worlds Training Hall.
255kg x2. (He has done 280kg in training)
He did this 6 days before he competed at the 85kg session, were he finished in sixth place.
Update: Here is his 275kg Squat from the same session.
(Video also on Facebook and Instagram @atginsta)
More from Tian Tao:
- His 218kg Junior World Record Clean & Jerk at the 2014 Asian Games.
Here is his 225kg Squat Souble which he did a couple of minutes before the 255kg.
Is there a specific reason why some lifters will slightly jerk their head up while ascending while squatting heavy like Tian Tao does at 0:04?
Maintain upright torso (I am pretty sure.)
Yeah, I saw that too. Kinda looks like he’s struggling. His 2×245 front squats look more easy than his 2×225 back squats LOL
Since the erector spinae run up to the neck, it probably helps with overall back integrity.
Stand up and try to flex your back as far as possible. In order to see the wall behind you, you have to move your head up and back too, which is also the upper spinal erectors.
Probalbly helps a little and maybe a bit of placebo effect as well.
Just a little trick for the body to initiate the ascension as explosive as possible. “Body follows the head”. I do that from time to time and it actually helps. Even if it just gives you the feeling of an explosive turnover I still like that feeling 😉
Other good reasons were already posted by bbc and Steve.
The jerk their head back because many spinae erector have their insertions on the higher thoracic vertebrea and many others have their origins there and insert in the higher cervical vertebra and/or the head. By jerking their heads + the chest up cue, they just contract all the muscle surrounding the spine.
When I’m looking at video like this, two things happen : first, I’m like, damn easy weight..
Then I realize how much the bar is bent haha