Previously in the 2014 World Championships Training Hall …
(Video also on Facebook and Instagram @atginsta)
In German we have the expression “Not macht erfinderisch”, which translates to “Necessity is the mother of invention”. This is definitely true for athletes in the worlds training hall who want to do more than just Snatch, C&J and Squat.
So what do you do when you just squatted 275 at 85 and want to catch a chest pump, but there are no benches around? Correct, you have your coach push a 25kg plate down on your back while you do Push ups.
You probably saw Hookrips photo of Tian Tao. Back then there were some question as to what he was actually doing here. Unfortunately I was only able to film his last rep.
But since these are the little things you usually don’t get to see unless you are there I still thought it was worth a share.