Reader Mehrad shared this video of previously mentioned Tom Martin with a 350kg deadlift. Came as a perfect motivation today, because it was my 531 deadlift 3+ day. And courtesy of the magic powers of the Hook Grip™ I got a rep PR, which is always nice.
Thanks to Mehrad for sharing it. Hope you got your PR too.
(Oh and I think we can pass comments on the rounded back since it is a freaking 350kg Deadlift.)
Update: make that 355kg
Also 272.5kg raw squat and 190kg raw bench.
Well don’t leave us hanging…how much did you pull?
Haha, I was hoping to avoid the question, as my numbers are nowhere near where I like them to be (look at my skinny legs…)
After resetting my all my lifts recently to get more volume I pulled 137.5kg x14 today.
Bodyweight is currently 75kg (up from 68-70 in the beginning of the year)