Meanwhile in the U.S. …
Vasiliy Polovnikov is back in the States and Clean and Jerked 220kg at the Bay State Games.
Here is his 170kg, 190kg, 210kg and 220kg.
Thanks to the various submitters (Tony P of Rumbler Weightlifting).
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in the U.S. …
Vasiliy Polovnikov is back in the States and Clean and Jerked 220kg at the Bay State Games.
Here is his 170kg, 190kg, 210kg and 220kg.
Thanks to the various submitters (Tony P of Rumbler Weightlifting).
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
are they flossing bands around his knees?!
The jerk is so easy 0.0
230kg no problemo