But the best video of today comes from Vladislav Rigert.
He pauses his 200kg pull at the Power Position for a 3 count and then explodes to clean it!
Update: 190kg Paused Clean & Paused Jerk From Dmitry
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
But the best video of today comes from Vladislav Rigert.
He pauses his 200kg pull at the Power Position for a 3 count and then explodes to clean it!
Update: 190kg Paused Clean & Paused Jerk From Dmitry
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
wow! talk about exploding…
interesting to see vladislav pauses it a few inches higher than klokov..
because he is taller
rigert has some great training music..
Which song is playing?
I wish I knew!