Here is a fun idea – Weightlifting H-O-R-S-E.
Randomly decide an order of lifting [Rock Paper Scissors FTW], and the first lifter will decide a percentage of his best snatch to start with.
The following lifters must successfully match this percentage of their best lift, or be given a letter. Once you have H-O-R-S-E, you’re out.
Repeat this on the clean & jerk.
so basically 5 sets of singles at random percentages? and people wonder why America sucks at weightlifting.
It’s a game. Fun. Not to be meant to replace your training.
… Did I really have to point this out ?
Things like this have a place. On a play day. At the end of a good training cycle. As a way to bring more competitive flavor into a slump. As a way to motivate and insentivise athletes. Pendlay does similar stuff – 5 or 10 singles at 85% and the winner takes $150. It’s not a program, obviously, but things like this can be good tools to break up the monotany of training and avoid burnout and spice things up.
Man I love how something, dare we call it fun gets lambasted whence it comes around on ATG. I bet 95% of the people who visit this site are probably below Master Sport Candidate Weightlifters or equivalent strength athletes in Powerlifting or otherwise, so maybe we all just have some fun with the barbell for a single solitary lift. Low starter today. 70% Snatch. Done.
Someone go.
Thanks Gregor for posting something light hearted albeit from some Cali Strength games…