Meanwhile in Turkey …
Remember when earlier this year the entire Turkish U23 team tested positive? That was just the tip of the iceberg.
As you might have heard there was a German news report (original report here, machine translated article here) about new testing methods which revealed hundreds of new positive doping cases.
Now there is another German report. Turkey seems to have been hit hardest (although I wouldn’t be surprised if other countries challenge its pole position soon).
So with these new testing methods more than 100 doping cases (just in Turkey) came to light in the first half of 2013 alone.
Leading in the race for the top spot is track & field with 49 cases, closely followed by 48 cases in weightlifting.
Far behind (are you even trying??):
- wrestling – 20 cases
- bodybuilding – 15 (lolwut? less than WL?)
- diving – 3
- swimming -2
- cycling, taekwondo, disabled sport – 1 each
The article explains that most athletes accepted the outcome of the A probe.
Rustu Guner, member of the Turkish national Olympic Committee called it “Very annoying for us”.
Most of the cases involved the good ol’ Stanozolol (trade name Winstrol) and Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (trade name Oral Turinabol, developed in East Germany).
“Since beginning of 2012 we received many hints on doping in athletics and weightlifting”. So they specifically checked the suspicious athletes in training and competition.
While we are on the topic. WADA recently had a conference in which they agreed to stricter sanctions. You can find the PDF here.
For example, starting in 2015 the default ban for will be four years (instead of 2). Also “prompt admission” no longer automatically reduces a potential 4 year ban to 2 years (I didn’t even know that was possible until now).
I think we soon have to redo the breakdown of the Top 10 Doping Substances people got caught with in weightlifting.
In other doping news:
- Kazakhstan has to pay $500000 for its 9 positive tests this year (part of the new stricter sanctions mentioned here). (via)
- The IWF Sanctioned athletes page added many new bans from the 2013 Europeans. Including 2 Russians, 4 Ukrainians, 2 Romanians.
I enjoyed the ‘are you even trying??’ and the body building comments, I got a good laugh. I was actually really surprised that BB only had 15 cases.
If you don’t test in general, it’s surprising that you got that many cases.
That’s what I thought. I didn’t even realize they tested in BB.
Quite unbelievable that most of the athletes still take the old steroids. One would think that everybody is doing something “genetical magic” nowadays.
Well, it seems for the major part of the sportsmen and women there is no new thing under the sun.At least for the poorer countries…
Is Orsag Jiri busted as well?
As I wrote here [1] he is facing a 2 year ban. The whole process takes time though (appealing etc)
Diving? smh
Diving doesn’t look like, does it? But many kind of sport requires anabolic help. I wonder is there an exception?? I know that probably most of you don’t agree but the interesting part is the politics behind it. It isn’t about new methods it’s about being in good terms with the people who matters in sport. Greek and turkish lifters had “green card” in the ’90-s and everybody was talking about greek and turkish miracle. It changed after 2000 sometime and there were incredible scandals.Because they weren’t supported from behind anymore. Not because every athlete started taking drogs in an instance.
Mathias Steiner sad: “I have to deal with athletes from nations where, how shall I put it – the road to performance seems to be a different one than from where I am from. “Yes it is very different. Athletes in other countries don’t have that kind of money and political support as Mathias had. He just put on 30-40 kgs plus bodyweight and won the olympics. That was absolutely clean I’m sure of it. No problem for me,but talking about how others take drogs when you obviously one of the greatest cheater is DISGUSTING.
I despise every sportsmen who does it. After that Steiner became nobody for me.
Half a million in fines!!! This shows the objective is money not necessary reducing doping and improving the sport.