Here is what a Speed Bench Press Day / Dynamic Effort Day with Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell looks like.
- 16 sets of 3 reps with 185 lbs +85 lbs of band tension
- 1 set every 30 seconds
- after 4 sets rest 1 minute
This is then followed by either 2 sets light DB presses, or 2 sets of push ups, or 1 set of high rep close grip and 1 set of wide grip bench press. Pick a weight you could do 25 reps with and do 15 with power. Vary between flat, decline and incline variations
In the video Louie lets the athlete do the following assistance exercise:
- 2 sets of 15 reps incline DB Press
Then comes triceps, delts and lats work with
- 2 x 8 reps DB roll overs (decline DB triceps extenions/ french press)
- 2 x 20 reps fingertip push ups (looks more like diamond push ups)
- 1 x 50 reps standing triceps extensions (vary grip width midset)
- 3 x 10 reps lat pulls (change grip each set, looks like T-Bar rows)
- 2 x 10 reps bent over barbell rows (switch grip each set wide)