When to train? That’s the question Iron Radio Podcast #137 focuses on.
Link to mp3: here (right click and ‘save as’)
I’m a mid morning type person.
Sometimes I train fasted, sometimes I have a shake or some oatmeal. And after my coffee I’m pretty much ready to go.
So, how about you?
You should puy this poll like a sticky.
19-21 since I was a teenager (half an hour earler would be optimum but it's nearly impossible with all the daily stuff so is better to be without hurry)
this year I added coffee at 18 cause heavy squats are heavy
I am about to lay off the coffee for a while. Because of the constant use it's become more of a habit than a stimulant for me.
Be cautious with the caffeine around that time of the day. Don't fuck up your sleep.
I only use it on training days! never in the morning.
Isnt the effect supposed to last at most 6 hours? I usually go to bed at midnight.
The half-life ir roughly 5hrs. So after 5 hrs your body will have metabolized half of the caffeine.
But "The biological half-life of caffeine—the time required for the body to eliminate one-half of the total amount of caffeine—varies widely among individuals according to such factors as age, liver function, pregnancy, some concurrent medications, and the level of enzymes in the liver needed for caffeine metabolism."
via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine#Metabolism