A member of the Sugden Barbell forum translated the key parts regarding Mikhail Koklyaev exclusion from the Russian weightlifting team.
- not performing well in competitions outside Russia
- they didn’t want to take the risk of somebody missing a drug test
Rigert: “But lets continue on this same subject, in order to make things completely clear. There is, as a rule, I will decipher it… now all athletes, those sitting here and those who are not here, the candidates in the team and those who are vying for a place in international events, they all sit in the so-called Adams system. I will explain what this is. On a daily basis the international federation and WADA, need to know where an athlete is, the margin of error can only be one hour. Now, Mikhail was explained this, that he must undergo a medical examination (presume doping test). I don’t have the power to take any person into the team or structure, if they haven’t passed a medical examination (doping test). You know a lot of cases, and now it is very strictly controlled. He did not come (to take the test). To take a doping test before being invited into the team. Because we are constantly being monitored by the international federation. And two failures, accidental or not, no one cares, our team is expelled from the Olympic movement. That’s two! And, so, to register in the Adams System. For this, I explained it (in person) to him (Koklyaev), and official letters from the Federation were sent and his superiors (trainers etc) were notified, and he himself about the fact that these letters were sent, etc. And after 3 months, the reply comes, that the recipient does not live there. Well, no… But what , we wouldn’t like to have a strong athlete in the team? Really strong, not just for internal use.” (Rigert was saying, that of course they would like a really strong athlete like Koklyaev in the team, but not one that can only compete in Russia).
Very interesting to hear the federation’s side of the story. Would love to hear Mikhail’s response. He did make a comment about no longer doping at the end of one of his weightlifting videos in the last year or so.
Also interesting to see that, at least “officially” WADA is tightly regulating the Russian team with frequent tests. This contradicts what many in the American system claim, that European lifters are able to dope all they want because the national testing systems are rigged.
Yeah you hear the “they are all using” excuse pretty often. Not saying saying that it doesn’t happen, but Russians have some bad ass lifters.
As I said earlier, I don’t care what anybody uses to achieve his dreams / earn his money.
Oh and I think Mikhail responded in the (Russian) interview here https://allthingsgym.com/2012/05/mikhail-koklyaev-interview/
No English translation yet…