Meanwhile in China …
Wu Jingbiao performs some weighted wide grip BTN Pull Ups and makes it look explosive.
Personally, if there is a pull up variation I don’t like, it is this. Probably because I don’t have the shoulder ROM Wu has.
Thanks to the submitter.
It doesn’t work for me :/
Takes a second to load, but works fine.
Yeah I got it working 😀
Probably the worst pullup variation for my shoulders as well(have a minor rotator cuff injury). It’s one of those things you don’t think much until you have to.
Shoulder width underhand(or neutral grip) chin ups with added weights is pretty much the only variation I can do without any issues, and even then I have to be careful(no explosive or slow, grinding reps with heavy weights).
Must be part of their Jacked, Tanned, Swole cycle.
the guy counting off the pull ups is… intense!
Glad to see Wu Jingbao is still training, was a little worried he might have been dropped after the London games.
Video is gone 🙁