Over at his blog Rob Macklem took a look at Yuri Zakharevich’s over the years.
I just wanted to make a fancy chart out of it.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Over at his blog Rob Macklem took a look at Yuri Zakharevich’s over the years.
I just wanted to make a fancy chart out of it.
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something happened when he turned 18 (besides gaining 6+kg :p)
Jeebus christ….
Between the age of 15 and 16 he put on 33 lbs of body weight and 75 kgs on his total. Um . . . wow. That’s like a PR a week for a year straight.
I’d say possible for a teenager dedicated to weightlifting with elite genetics. Seen some crazy gains from teenagers who are not even dedicated, that really is the best period in life to train most kids waste those years. The really surprising jump was around 17-19 when probably added necessary supplements. Took about 6+ years to add 20kg to his total from then.
Botev did 250kg with 19 years old
video? or competition results?
I think it was one of the minor tournaments in 1987 or 1988, but you can watch him doing 250 at 1990 or 1991 ewc or wwc
Not to question Mr. Macklem or his source, but there’s something strange with those height numbers…From 7 to 16 years old the man only grew 3 cm? Very unusual.
Look more carefully. That is not his age, but the # of years training.
Ops, my bad. You’re right, of course. Thanks!
screw Botev, soviets best only
He allegedly jerked off the rack 300 kilos .
This was stated on utube ?
His arm lock had problems had to hold the weight sheer muscle.