Clean Pulls, Zhang Jie is doing them right.
The direct translation is “Fast Pull”. Read more about it here.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Clean Pulls, Zhang Jie is doing them right.
The direct translation is “Fast Pull”. Read more about it here.
Hi, I run ATG.
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i’ve seen this one before. i was actually looking around for it the other day. thanks greg!
well, I have a big respect about the chinese weightlifitng, but I can not see any carryover on the classic lifts when one do these kind of pulls, or any kind of pulls. But I can say this only about myself ofcourse. A lot of worldrecords lifters use pulls in training.
been working on the training room at the Olympics in London and all the lifters (of any country) do tons of pulls before ending their workouts with squats.
Thanks for the info Sauro.
I know the media rules strict as hell. But I would like to hear what you are seeing there.
This puts his deadlift at nearly 5 times bodyweight probably! (Nearly 4 times bodyweight in this video doing clean pulls!)
Yeah, insane strength.
Not sure about the weight though…20,15,25(?),10,20,2×5 =220?
I saw it as:
(5,20,20,25,15,20) x 2 + bar + little plates on inside of 5’s
= 230-240kg. My vision is not brilliant though!
Ok, but either way great lifting.
And really makes the curious what he could deadlift if he wanted to…