Meanwhile in Kazakhstan …
Zhassulan Kydyrbaev (94kg) Snatching 192kg and Clean & Jerking 233kg in training (equalling Ilya’s World Record).
I assume this is from his 2015 worlds prep.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Kazakhstan …
Zhassulan Kydyrbaev (94kg) Snatching 192kg and Clean & Jerking 233kg in training (equalling Ilya’s World Record).
I assume this is from his 2015 worlds prep.
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Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
he is using Ilya’s plataform, but, was he allowed?
I’m sure once the coaches see this vid swift and brutal justice will be dealt to this underachiever.
why show 182-233 same day as doping results is back?
Cus this is the day on which he realized that Instagram videos were the only way he could show off these results now.
Cus this is the day on which he realized that Instagram videos were the only way he could show off these results now.
why show 182-233 same day as doping results is back?
if the doping tests from Houston are confermed, I belive he will have a life-time ban since he was caught once already as a junior.
Bye-bye Zhassulan it was nice but short 🙁