The other day I shared Miika Antti-Roikos’s 201kg Clean & Jerk slip on Facebook.
He pointed out however that it was not the platform’s fault.
It also happened to the most intense lifter in that competition Zygimantas Stanulis (thanks to all submitters). This was on his 2nd C&J attempt (205kg).
Boy was he pissed (understandably so). The plates were lucky that he changed his mind before he almost pulverized them.
Still he got Bronze. Stanulis Strength!
Anonymoose says
I’ve read he wasn’t the only one that slipped. Perhaps dirty platform?
ikloo says
usually they’re wooden, i think. someone check the rule book. looks like its a rubber that doesnt allow sweat to evaporate or chalk to disperse. wipe downs between lifts are usual too, not sure if it was the case here.
shouldn’t be happening at all, true. when i first saw this comp, with apti, i was suspicious of the platform. and there you go. lucky no one’s getting severely injured.
basic physics says a frictional force is proportional to the normal force (weight going down. for weightlifting it’s very high) times the friction coefficient (which must be inappropriately low given that people are slipping).
Ron Yellin says
This is something that should not be occurring.
Alex Gorham says
That’s my secret captain,
I’m always angry.
Ishinator says
I was expecting Ziggy to do a Hulk Smash after he missed that.
Dan Chao says
Man this guy is a straight meathead. Its great, but I also hate it.
Everett says
Wait, Antti-Roiko said it was NOT the platform’s fault? Typo? It sure looks like the platform’s fault.