It’s time for the 2013 Summer Universiade (World University Games) in Kazan, Russia.
I will be updating this page every day with links to streams. Additionally you can follow ATG on Facebook, ATG on Google+ or me on Twitter.
Also, to all you athletes who are there competing to record videos and send me links.
Update: All events are over. Thanks to everybody who stopped by in the chat. It was fun as always.
85kg Recording Added with Apti Aukhadov and Artem Okulov
(Links to more recordings below)
Ruslan Albegov VS Bahador Moulaei
Video of Ruslan Albegov’s lifts. Bahador Moulaei made Ruslan work when he made 254kg first.
- Snatch: 194kg 200kg 205kg
- Clean and Jerk: 240kg 245kg 254kg
Recording of the 94kg with Kendrick Farris’ 211kg Clean & Jerk (links to other recordings below).
Interesting side note: Ivanov got injured a couple of days before the comp and lifted on painkillers (via).
Results & Recordings
Surprises: no Oleg Chen, he has a knee injury. Christina Iovu competes for Azerbaijan.
Highest Entry Totals:
Update: First video from the Kazan training hall via Ian Wilson.
Alexandr Zaichikov (94kg Asian Games Champ) with a 200kg Clean and Jerk. BTW, he told Ian that his PR is 230kg.
Best of luck to Danny Schlag! He’s overcome much adversity to get himself back to this level.
Looks like Kendrick will have a shot at a Medal in the 94’s if he can put those training lifts to good use.
Who the hell is Vadim Slesarevs? Is he yanking our chain with that entry total?
Is the livestream restricted to european countries?
I hope not. (there is currently no WL live stream in case you are wondering)
Thanks.. just checked.. its 11:30PM Indian standard time (8PM berlin)
What competitions the 105 and +105 were!!! Demanov and Albegov have grown in my eyes big-big time! 🙂
Amazing competition. I’m really hoping that Rasoul can start hitting those training snatches on the platform to challenge Chinese dominance at 77kg.
Any luck on a video of the 63Kg Women?